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Welcome to Theta Fleet!

Theta Fleet News

(All older news items are under the NEWS tab)

     Established in 2009, Theta Fleet is a community of simmers (text-based roleplayers) who strive to build a place where people are more important than politics and everyone is welcome to join the conversation.     

     We haven't forgotten that we all write for fun. Reports are voluntary, and instead of fleet meetings, we have a monthly fleet voice chat for those who are available and want to get to know their neighbors.

     COs control their sims and missions. Task Groups and Task Forces are for organizational purposes and to give support, not micromanage. Fleet Staff is frequently around to chat, help with problems, or answer questions.

     Theta Fleet firmly believes in the cooperative side of roleplay, where players work together. Everyone from cadet to commanding officer has a voice and is part of the family.

We believe in having friendly, cooperative relations with other fleets and groups because we're all part of the greater simming community.
