Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

August 2023 Fleet Awards

Monday, September 11, 2023 11:35 PM

August 2023 Fleet Awards



Task Force 23:

    Gold: Starbase Frontier

    Silver: USS Calypso & USS Midway

    Bronze: USS Aurora

Area 51:

    Gold: USS Columbia

    Silver: USS Samurai & USS Myogi

    Bronze: Starbase 400 & USS Tokyo & Starbase 109 & Valhalla Fleet Yards


    Task Force 23: Midway: Will

Special thanks to Will for keeping the story moving and continuing with the theme of integrating the mission in with the story of “In A Mirror, Darkly” especially this month when I was tied up and worn out between working, teaching and not sleeping. 

    Area 51; Columbia: Michael/Lt. Cmdr. 

Razka Kas - For in-depth character development and carefully crafted replies. This includes ensuring no character is left out in a joint post. Stories based on Kas are full of detail and emotion. He also writes often, taking part in 15 posts in August. He also played a major role in setting up and writing through a key part of this month's mission, navigating through a treacherous nebula. 


    Task Force 23: Calypso: Voz. 

The current mission is partly his idea, and he will be helping with the ops team assisting the ship. He also has a devious mind, which works well for portraying bad guys.

    Area 51; Tokyo: Matthew C - 

Matt is always looking three steps ahead and how to develop his character and the mission. He is doing well and is helping not only in character byt out of character. 


    Task Force 23: Frontier: "Klingon within the Starboard Bow" (

    Area 51: USS Samurai & Starbase 109

Samurai: "Name Of the Game" (  Susan, Brandon and Ruth write a compelling story of a Romulan spy trying to make their way to amnesty with the Federation and the crew of the Nomad trying to get to them while learning to trust one another.

SB109: To Mike, Bret, Susan, Austen, and CF, for :"Too  Close for Comfort, Parti I" ( A joint post about a pirate attack on a medical ship.


Task Force 23

    23-A: Starbase Frontier

    23-B: USS Calypso

    23-C: USS Midway

Area 51

    51-A: USS Rhea

    51-B: Starbase 400

    51-C: USS Myogi

    51-D: USS Columbia & USS Samurai & USS Sun Tzu & Poseidon Station