Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

March 2023 Fleet Awards

Monday, April 10, 2023 12:05 AM

March 2023 Fleet Awards



Task Force 23

         Gold: USS Resolution

         Silver: Starship Midway

         Bronze: Cavalier & Ranger & Calypso     

Area 51

         Gold: USS Tokyo

         Silver: USS Standing Bear

         Bronze: Starbase 109 & USS Missouri



         Task Force 23: Ranger: Voz

He brought a lot to the posts this month that brought up questions and gave insight. He's also helped us move forward with the next part of the mission by what his character said in the posts.

         Area 51: Starbase 109: CF & Susan

There is a friendly (?) rivalry brewing between SB-109’s most prominent restaurateur (Jade Lantz) and casino owner (Qaraq).  It is exemplified in "Competition  or Collaboration, Part 2" (



         Task Force 23: Midway: Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden (Abigail) & Ranger: Arie

Midway: Since joining the sim Abigail is always up for writing about anything with anyone. She is a quick witted and responsive writer which makes tagging a breeze. She is incredibly accommodating and gracious.

Ranger: Arie will become the XO at the end of the mission, has been great at helping push the story forward, taking on the role of NPCs, and helping give clues for the players.

         Area 51: Standing Bear: Clinton

His health is not the greatest undergoing procedures and frequently taken to the hospital for brief or extended stays, as soon as he's released, he is back to catching up on tags and wanting to stay involved. He truly has a wonderful soul and we love having him as part of Standing Bear. 




         Task Force 23: Midway: "Science Tour" (

         Area 51: Myogi: "Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire" (




Task Force 23

         23-A: Deep Space 5

         23-B: USS Ranger

         23-C: Starship Midway

Area 51

         51-A: USS Defiant

         51-B: USS Standing Bear

         51-C: Starbase M-69


-=0=- -=∆=- -=0=-






         SIM of the Quarter: Starship Midway

The CO has brought back a lot of players, new and old, and reinvigorated interest in the TOS era. The players are enthusiastic and having fun—and it shows!

         CO of the Quarter:  Winchester: Henry Rogers

Rogers came back from COVID with a renewed enthusiasm and a desire to write. He's started a new mission and has relaunched the sim. His ideas have generated a lot of activity as well.

         XO of the Quarter: Deep Space 5: N'Evran

N'Evran is new to DS5, but the writer is not. Since becoming the new XO, N'Evran has been actively involved in getting everyone involved and moving the mission forward.

         WRITER of the Quarter: Bretagne: Kyan MacKenzie

He brings a unique character and a lively writing style to the sim and finds a way to make even routine interactions more entertaining. 

         PLAYER of the Quarter:  Midway: Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden (Abigail)

Midway: Since joining the sim Abigail is always up for writing about anything with anyone. She is a quick witted and responsive writer which makes tagging a breeze. She is incredibly accommodating and gracious.




         SIM of the Quarter: USS Tokyo

The sim is not everyone's cup of tea, but the solid crew of writers are having a lot of fun causing chaos during shore leave—and with a rivalry between to captains.

         CO of the Quarter: Defiant: Charlotte Rhodes

Since its launch, the Defiant has been one of the more active sims. The crew is doing a stellar job and are clearly having fun and it's all because of the CO who has worked hard to make the sim a welcoming place to write.

         XO of the Quarter: Artemis: Alexis Nightingale

The CO has health issues and the former XO wasn't a good fit. Nightingale was recommended, and since coming aboard, she has been invaluable in keeping the crew updated and being a sounding board for the CO.

         WRITER of the Quarter: Starbase 109: CF & Susan

CF brought Qaraq on board and has created not only an interesting character, but is actively involved with his casino. Susan (Jade Lantz) is one of the most involved writers on the sim. Now the two have a friendly rivalry/friendship brewing.

         PLAYER of the Quarter: Standing Bear: Ruth/Scarlet & Linsey

For keeping things going while the CO deals with a crazy (non-existent) work/life balance.