Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

February 2023 Fleet Awards

Saturday, March 11, 2023 4:30 AM

February 2023 Fleet Awards

Unit of Distinction

Task Force 23

    Gold: USS Midway

    Silver: USS Bretagne & USS Yamato

    Bronze: USS Winchester

Area 51

    Gold: USS Tokyo

    Silver: USS Myogi & Starbase 400 & Starbase 109

    Bronze: USS Missouri

Writer of the Month

    Task Force 23: Midway: Javia & Bretagne: Kyan MacKenzie

    Midway:Since joining the sim, Javia (Lt. Thraxina, among others) has proven to be a “master of puppets” creating multiple dynamic npcs complete with a plethora of storylines and subplots contributing to the runaway success of the sim. He is a constant contributor to plotline development and greatly enjoys the Midway’s sandbox format. He has been a pleasure to write with, chat with and always has something unpredictable up his sleeve.

    Bretagne: He brings a unique character and a lively writing style to the sim and finds a way to make even routine interactions more entertaining. 

    Area 51: Myogi: Will. Will has been a lot more active on the Myogi this month, getting in some good posts with our guest star, Captain Taiga Aisaka.

Player of the Month

    Task Force 23: Yamato: Voz & Winchester: Charlene

    Yamato: His story telling regarding Kablams story has been fantastic this month. It has taken years for this plot to come to this conclusion, and should provide interesting as future character development. 

    Winchester: For her willingness to fill in wherever needed. She has a lot on her plate in RL, but her love and passion for Theta Fleet is evident in the way she does whatever it takes to keep things moving along on each of the sims she’s on, as well as the Fleet in general. We couldn’t do it without her.

    Area 51: Ontario: Voz & Starbase 109: Charlene & Mike

    Ontario: for helping plot out the rest of the mission and come up with some interesting twists that will not only make sense in story, but will definitely be a surprise to the crew. 

    Starbase 109: 1) Kiara Lena.  Charlene showed her many abilities and talents writing in two separate story lines as the same character, but in completely different situations.  As a diplomat held hostage, her talents were shining as Lena helped complete her story arc in "Diplomats at Work," a plot of suspense and trickery.  I linked part 3.  At the same time, she wrote "Dinner For One" which turned into dinner with a new friend and an old one.  This post showed her versatility as she played the part of a friend. 

2) Krell House of Mer'uk.  Mike plays several characters who are amazing, as well, and in this one, he's a Klingon ambassador as well as his PC, LCDR Dallas Briggs.  He does a good job of showing their different characteristics as they work together to rescue the diplomatic officer Kiara Lena. "Diplomats at Work," a plot of suspense and trickery and kidnapping/hostage situation.  Seeing the two men work together in the 3-part story arc showed the versatility Mike has, and shows the two sim friends deserve writer of the month.

Post of the Month

    Task Force 23: DS5: A "gathering" (

The Klingon Ambassador takes some personal time after trying to persuade the Council to assist with retaking DS5.

    Area 51: Starbase 109: "Meet and Greet." (

A perfect example of doctors getting together to discuss medical issues of several kinds.  There's good give-and-take, and it sounds like actual medical conversations I've heard!

Task Group Award of Merit

Task Force 23

    23-A:  USS Yamato

    23-B: USS Winchester

    23-C: USS Midway & USS Bretagne

Area 51

    51-A: USS Defiant

    51-G: Valhalla Fleet Yards

    51-C: USS Tokyo & Starbase M-69