Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

December 2022 Fleet Awards

Thursday, January 12, 2023 12:31 AM

December 2022 Fleet Awards


Unit of Distinction

Task Force 23

            Gold: Deep Space 5 & USS Resolution

            Silver: USS Cavalier & USS Winchester

            Bronze: USS Hyperion & USS Fitzgerald & USS Yamato

Area 51

            Gold: Starbase 109

            Silver: Starbase 400

            Bronze: USS Tokyo & USS Myogi


Writer of the Month

            Task Force 23: Cavalier: Mike.

Mike plays K'tarra Smyth. Our half-Klingon is delightful dressed as a frog for the Halloween party. Her fish-out-of-water curiosity about the other races on the ship is delightful.

            Area 51: Starbase 109 - Susan

First, for “Storytelling #1” - The bat-like aliens living in Brown Sector’s ventilation shafts have a unique take on Starfleet personnel. Second, she regularly helps out in posts with a variety of characters. 


Player of the Month

            Task Force 23: DS5: Everyone & Fitzgerald: Tory 

DS5: Everyone, for holding it together in my protracted absence 

Tory's been an excellent sounding board when I have ideas or need to work some things out, and that's honestly one of the best things an XO can do to support a CO. 

            Area 51: Myogi: The crew.

It's often said that the crew makes the command, and there is no truer statement. The Myogi wouldn't have had an amazing December, or for that matter, an amazing 2022, if we didn't have an amazing group of players to make it happen. For all their hard work over the course of 2022, Player of the Month deserves to be a shared award amongst the crew. 


Post of the Month

            Task Force 23: Hyperion: "Admiral's Quarrel" (

            Area 51: Tokyo: "Till Death Do Us Part" (

Finally! It only took 8 actual years, and 15 in character years for this post to happen.


TGCO Award of Merit

Task force 23

            23-A; DS5

            23-B: Winchester

            23-C: Cavalier

Area 51          

            51-A: SB109

            51-B: SB400

            51-C: Tokyo & Myogi




Fourth Quarter Awards


Task Force 23

            Sim of the Quarter: USS Winchester

The CO returned to the sim after a long absence, and the crew responded with alacrity. In character, they were on an extended shore leave. There were posts of shore leave ending and returning to the ship and crew getting back in touch. It bodes well for the future.

            CO of the Quarter: Cavalier - Daniel Weaver

The CO has been involved in recruiting, story development, and writing on the sim. He has created a fun and welcoming atmosphere for cadets starting their cruise, and an interesting future for the sim.

            XO of the Quarter: DS5 - N'Evran

N'Evran stepped up from player to XO this quarter and jumped into posts to move things along and help the CO prepare to retake the station and planet. He's been a driving force behind the scenes and promises great things for his character.

            Writer of the Quarter: Resolution - Entire Crew

I generally don't reward the entire crew for writing, but with the CO away for health reasons, the crew took it upon themselves to develop side stories for their departments and crew. The Marines were notably involved in their own subplot.

            Player of the Quarter: DS5 - Entire Crew

A recurring theme this quarter. With the CO away dealing with life, the crew continued to twist the plot and take on the role of resistance fighters to take back the station.

Area 51

            Sim of the Quarter: Starbase 109

Two of the three members of the command team stepped down this quarter and a new member stepped up. While this was going on, the crew were actively continuing stories and starting new plot twists. It's a complex sim, and the crew has taken to it very well.

            CO of the Quarter: Starbase 400 - Mike Bremer

Mike has been a mainstay of SB400 for years. He's built a community with multiple ships, a history, and a great deal of information. It's impressive to see what has been built and continues to grow.

            XO of the Quarter: Wolff - Tyrus Acevedo

The Wolff has a good command team. And, as every CO knows, a good XO is invaluable. Tyrus helps with mission development, writing posts, and helping players get involved. 

            Writer of the Quarter: Starbase 109 - Susan

Susan stepped down as part of the command team, but she continues to be actively involved in posts. Her writing is excellent and she is always willing to help others.

            Player of the Quarter: Myogi - The Crew

A sim needs a good CO, but a good CO needs and active crew. While the Myogi has good leadership, they are also a supportive and enthusiastic group of players who enjoy writing together.




2022 Annual Fleet Awards


Task Force 23

            Sim of the Year: Bellwether

It slowed down toward the end of the year due to holidays and the CO having a heavy workload, but the sim has a creative premise. The characters have to think out of the box and find ways to make a small relay station home.

            CO of the Year: Cavalier - Daniel Weaver

Creating a sim around a cadet cruise that isn't one idea replaying itself over and over can be tricky, but the CO has managed to do it well, and gathered a collection of excellent writes. He is actively involved in all aspects of the sim.

            XO of the Year: Fitzgerald: Roark Sograni

Roark is an interesting character and interacts well with the crew. The player is also active on the sim and is a great help to the CO.

            Writer of the Year: Cavalier - The Crew

From meeting new friends to slipping away from the Commodore's speech to celebrating a holiday, the crew has embraced the sim and its premise with engaging and entertaining characters and situations.

            Player of the Year: Ray. He commands the Bellwether and Fitzgerald, as well as being a player on several sims. Except for his semester of working 60+ hours a week, he's been a mainstay of all the sims he's been on and actively contributes not only to posts, but to missions. He also loves to get others involved and helps other players whenever he can.


Area 51

            Sim of the Year: Starbase 109

While the sim has a mission that changes every few months, it is a collection of stories revolving around the crew and personnel who live and work on the starbase. The characters are quirky and engaging, as are the stories they write.

            CO of the Year: Myogi - Maho Takahashi

The CO has meshed a love of anime with Star Trek to create a unique sim that blends the two and draws fans of both. The crew is active and involved, all under Maho's watch as the player is often around to chat online or to work with a post.

            XO of the Year: Wolff - Tyrus Acevedo

As stated above, Tyrus is a great writer who gets involved as both a PC and NPC. He's a great support to the CO and the crew.

            Writer of the Year: Wolff - Jamie

Jamie is the CO, but he works hard to make sure everyone has fun and is a creative and entertaining writer. He has wonderful characters on the Wolff and other sims, and loves to develop them.

            Player of the Year: SB109 - Susan

Susan was one of the command team until recently when she needed to step down, but she continues to be actively involved in the sim and helps out where needed. She is also a great writer and has a number of characters to help others with stories.