Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

August 2022 Fleet Awards

Thursday, September 8, 2022 2:00 AM

August 2022 Fleet Awards


Unit of Distinction

Task Force 23

            Gold: USS Fitzgerald

            Silver: USS Resolution

            Bronze: USS Brunel & USS Cavalier

Area 51

            Gold: New Beginnings

            Silver: USS Myogi & USS Standing Bear

            Bronze: Starbase 400 & USS Wolff


Writer of the Month

            Task Force 23: Fitzgerald: KS/Quincy

            Frampton is an interesting character that brings a youthful approach to old Ella Fitzgerald. The writer does a good job with her.

            Area 51: Ontario: Jared

            He plays Anahera. Our chief of security is a great writer who has a knack for adding twists to any post and is always willing to jump in and help.


Player of the Month

            Task Force 23: Fitzgerald: Tory & Resolution: Michael

            Fitzgerald: Tory - An excellent XO to have when one takes on a new job and has had the month that I have had. Tory has done an amazing job at keeping a very new sim alive with an absent CO. 

            Resolution: Michael has stepped up and is currently taking lead in the mission, making sure the sim continues while I step back for a few weeks

            Area 51: Standing: Scarlet

            She has been a very motivating individual in keeping things together while I've had to step away for a bit.


Post of the Month

            Task Force 23: 

Aurora: "Roboship (Part II)" (

Cavalier: "A Night On the Holodeck (Part III)" (

            Area 51: Ontario: "Dangerous Waters (Part II)" (


TGCO Award of Merit

Task Force 23

            23-A; USS Fitzgerald

            23-B: USS Bellwether

            23-C: USS Cavalier

Area 51

            51-A: Starbase 109 & Starbase 400

            51-B: New Beginnings

            51-C: USS Myogi