Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

July 2022 Fleet Awards

Sunday, August 7, 2022 10:45 PM

July 2022 Fleet Awards

Unit of Distinction

Task Force 23:

    Gold: USS Fitzgerald

    Silver: USS Resolution

    Bronze (tie): Bellwether, Cavalier, Aurora, Calypso, Ranger

Area 51

    Gold (tie): USS Standing Bear & USS Myogi & New Beginnings

    Silver: USS Ontario

    Bronze (tie): USS Wolff & USS Europa

Writer of the Month

    Task Force 23: USS Ranger - T'kaarch

T'kaarch, the Chief Science Officer and soon-to-be XO. He's thrown in some interesting twists and turns to the current mission with his NPCs. They're adding some interesting elements to the mission.

    Area 51: Standing: Thomas B. as Charlie McCullen, 

Thomas has brought a very fresh and youthful character in his junior grade lieutenant helmsman. McCullen's youthful energy and inexperience plays well of the seasoned crew. 

Player of the Month

    Task Force 23: Fitzgerald: CF & Tory.

    This was a great first month for everyone, but CF's "Sparrow" the Chief Engineer and Tory's Commander Arev were both very impactful yet vastly different characters. I feel both writers deserve this nomination. Though neither had the most posts, they really worked on their characters. 

    Area 51: Ontario: Jared.

Jared plays Anahera Chernova, the Chief of Security. Anahera has been thrown into several odd situations, from rescuing crew when a shuttle was attacked to checking every survivor of the Manatee for pirates. He rises to every occasion and is always willing to join in.

Post of the Month

    Task Force 23 (tie): Bellwether & Cavalier

Bellwether:  "Slugs and Thugs (Part I)" (

When away from the station, this post shows how not everyone is glad to receive your assistance on a humanitarian mission. The trio involved in this post came under attack from Ferengi and kept their Starfleet training underneath them.

Cavalier: "A Night on the Holodeck" (

Four of the cadets slip away during the commodore's speech to spend some time on the holodeck before launch.

    Area 51 (tie): Ontario & Pandora

Ontario: "Snagging a Shuttle" (

Pandora: "A Bolian at Your Door" (

 The sparks were there, the flirting had already begun, but now is the time for Lieutenant Farizah Alani to go after what she wants...Lieutenant Commander Mindo.

Pandora: "A Bolian at Your Door" (

The sparks were there, the flirting had already begun, but now is the time for Lieutenant Farizah Alani to go after what she wants...Lieutenant Commander Mindo.

TGCO Award of Merit

Task Force 23

    23-A: USS Fitzgerald

    23-B: USS Calypso

    24-C (tie): RS Bellwether & USS Cavalier

Area 51

    51-A: USS Ontario

    51-B (tie): USS Standing Bear & New Beginnings

    51-C: USS Myogi

    51-D (tie): USS Wolff & USS Europa