Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

September 2022 Fleet Awards

Saturday, October 8, 2022 8:02 PM

September 2022 Awards


Unit of Distinction

Task Force 23:

         Gold: USS Fitzgerald

         Silver: USS Resolution & USS Yamato

         Bronze: USS Cavalier & USS Calypso & USS Hyperion

Area 51

         Gold: Starbase 109 & New Beginnings & USS Artemis

         Silver: Starbase 400 & USS Wolff

         Bronze: USS Myogi & USS Ontario & USS Standing Bear & USS Pandora & USS Graceland


Writer of the Month

         Task Force 23: Resolution: I would have to nominate the entire crew for sticking with me, moving the mission along, really shows the dedication to the game, and to each other. 

         Area 51: Wolff: Anne (Lt jg Hunnicutt)

Within a day of joining the Wolff, Anne started a post with virtually everyone on the sim, the vast majority of them being posted by the end of her first week. All the posts have been of high quality and it was hard to pick which to nominate for post of the month.


Player of the Month

         Task Force 23: Calypso: Ieuan 

Ieuan plays the Chief Science Officer and has been an intrinsic part of this mission, both as scientist and with his NPC, Satt, a blushing Bolian security officer. He continually adds to the posts in a way that makes them more interesting and adds to the post.

         Area 51: Ontario: Ray

Ray plays Percy, the chief science officer and Rishi, the current science officer on the bridge. Percy's behavior is always unpredictable and unexpected. We never know what he'll say, which makes writing with him a lot of fun. Rishi is a great foil for his chief.



Post of the Month

         Task Force 23: Cavalier: "A Night on the Holodeck (part IV)" (

         Area 51: SB109: "The Casino Job" (


TGCO Award of Merit

Task Force 23

         23-A: USS Ella Fitzgerald & USS Resolution & USS Yamato

         23-B; USS Calypso & USS Hyperion

         23-C: USS Cavalier

Area 51

         51-A: Starbase 109  & USS Wolff

         51-B: USS Artemis & New Beginnings & Starbase 400

         51-C: USS Graceland


=∆= ~∆~ =∆=


Third Quarter Fleet Awards



         SIM of the Quarter: Cavalier

The sim has won several post of the month awards. They're a good group of writers who clearly love writing together.

         CO of the Quarter: Calypso: Samantha York

It's been a slow quarter for most, but York continues to work to give the crew something to write about and endeavors to make the sim fun and inclusive.

         XO of the Quarter: Fitzgerald: Roark Sograni

The XO has been busy this quarter, more so because the CO has a crazy work schedule. But in spite of everything, the sim continues to do well with teamwork by command.

         Writer of the Quarter: Calypso: Ieuan

Ieuan has consistently tagged in with his PC and NPCs. He always finds a way to change up the post to make it more interesting, or to complicate the plot to enhance the story and to interact with other players.

         Player of the Quarter: Fitzgerald: KS

KS, who plays Carmen "Stevedore" Frampton, has made it their mission to write with everyone on the sim. Each post is a lot of fun to read and helps you understand the characters better—and make them seem more like a cohesive unit in and out of character. 



         SIM of the Quarter: New Beginnings

The CO combined two slow sims and magic happened. The combination of starbase and starship has ignited the crew into new activity.

         CO of the Quarter: Myogi: Maho Takahashi

The CO is actively involved in all aspects of the sim, and in its Discord channel. He is available to his crew and willing to help others.

         XO of the Quarter: Wolff: Tyrus Acevedo

Acevedo helps in every aspect of the sim and helps keep the story moving. He uses NPCs to help other players get involved in the story as well. 

         Writer of the Quarter: Ontario: Jared

Jared is a creative writer who will expand on his character's role and finds creative ways to get involved and help support the mission and the post. He is a great addition to the sim.

         Player of the Quarter: Standing Bear: Scarlet

Scarlet has been instrumental in helping the CO with key elements of the mission. She has also been a support and inspiration for many on the sim.