Theta Fleet News


The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

November 2023 Fleet Awards

Friday, December 8, 2023 5:11 PM

November 2023 Fleet Awards



Task Force 23

    Gold: USS Midway& USS Calypso

    Silver: Starbase Frontier

    Bronze: No Award

Area 51:

    Gold: USS Columbia

    Silver: USS Myogi & USS Tokyo 

    Bronze: USS Samurai & USS Missouri & Poseidon Station


    Task Force 23: Frontier: Jai

 is doing a fantastic job of writing the grumpy Klingon XO who just doesn't want to be here. 

    Area 51: Gladiator: Lieutenant Josey Wales & Columbia: Sam/Lieutenant Ayesha binte Ansapata

Gladiator: WeWe nominate Mr. Wales for Writer of the Month. Despite real-world demands, he has shown exceptional dedication to his craft. His contributions, alongside fellow writers, have left a lasting impact on our community. Lieutenant Josey Wales's work embodies creativity, passion, and unwavering commitment, elevating our collective narrative.


Columbia: For getting his characters involved with the plot through creative writing. His characters include a JAG advocate, Chief Strategic Operations Officer and an anthropologist. Sam asks for advice in how his characters can best fit in, but doesn’t wait to get them involved. His lawyer Dramin helped the CO in tense negotiations, even taking heat from an angry Klingon in the process.


    Task Force 23: Calypso: Voz, 

For his help with the Terran Empire side of this mission and helping keep it from being like every other Mirror Universe mission.

    Area 51: Starbase 109: Austin  & Missouri: Chris Huskins

SB109: Reason: Austen's contributions this month have been mainly behind the scenes, but he has come back strong after a very dangerous surgery and is resuming his amazing writing and invaluable help as part of the command team. His motivation on and off the sim has been an inspiration to us all!

Missouri: After withdrawing from most (if not all) of his simming commitments earlier this year due to undergoing treatment for cancer, Chris is slowly re-entering simming after things have stabilized with his treatments. He was a great player on Myogi, and I'm sure he will be valued on Missouri as well. Welcome back, Chris!


    Task Force 23: Frontier: "Passing the Time" (    

    Area 51: USS Samurai & Poseidon Station

Samurai: "Tactician's Decision" (

Poseidon Station: "All Things Operations…and Coffee" (


Task Force 23

    23-A: USS Resolution

    23-B: USS Calypso

    23-C: USS Midway

Area 51

    51-A: USS Phoenix

    51-B: Valhalla Fleet Yards

    51-C: USS Myogi

    51-D: No Way Home & Starbase M69