Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

June 2022 Fleet Awards

Friday, July 8, 2022 1:03 AM

June 2022 Fleet Awards


Unit of Distinction

Task Force 23

            Gold: USS Resolution

            Silver: USS Yamato

            Bronze: USS Cavalier

Area 51

            Gold: USS Standing Bear

            Silver: USS Europa

            Bronze (tie): Ontario & Myogi & Pandora & SB109 & Wolff


Writer of the Month

            Task Force 23: Cavalier: Crew

All four members of the sim were involved in writing and deserve the award jointly for their interactions with Murg and Grum on the holodeck.

            Area 51: Europa: Ben & Pandora: Crew

Europa: Ben. Up until the end of this month, we had no clear-cut way of communicating with the alien crew, as the universal translator was having difficulties processing their dialect; however, Ben, who plays Ensign Sidney, had a genius, spur-of-the-moment idea that made our mission parameters much easier; through some digging, Sidney managed to uncover an obscure Klingon record that appears to mention the freighter. With that information in mind, it sets up the possibility that the aliens have previously made contact with a society whose language Starfleet has a fairly good grasp on, and with luck, it should give us a means of communicating with them. tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'?

Pandora: The Pandora Crew - Everyone has really stepped up to contribute this month in helping AJ and the Pandora get back on track. This month saw a significant increase of activity from previous months, and though it does not matter how active their months are or are not, this was definitely a crew effort. 


Player of the Month: 

            Task Force 23: 

Resolution: Meike - She brought in a whole new direction the crew could go in. Given that the mission was going to be dull one, she was able to incorporate a storyline from the Kumari, in the Res, and have it played out on the resolution.

            Area 51: Ontario: Ray & Wolff: Ray

Ontario: Ray, who help rally the troops and get people wanting to write again when we decided to remove the CO for lack of participation and bring posting back to life.

Wolff: Tyrus Acevedo (Raymond) Raymond came up with the basic idea for this mission and has been helpful in fleshing it out and keeping me from over thinking and over planning it out.


Post of the Month

Task Force 23: Bellwether: "Plomeek Soup For the Soul" (Part 1) (

            With the Station's Physician self-quarantined in the upper portions of the relay station, the plump and joyful Lieutenant Commander Brott seeks to bring her some plomeek soup, but ends up in a very tight situation and needs assistance in this comical post.

Area 51: Standing Bear & Ontario

Standing Bear: "A Cuppa Poison" (

            When Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Selin is discovered by the Captain in her sonic shower in a catatonic state, an investigation is launched to search for clues and find answers. In this follow up, the science department has made a grim discovery. The mug of tea that Dr. Selin had been drinking contained a plant-based toxin that is significantly harmful to Vulcanoids.

Ontario: "Bat Out of Hell (Part I)" ( & "Bat Out of Hell (Part II)" (


TGCO Award of Merit

Task Force 23:

            23-A: USS Yamato

            23-B: USS Endeavour

            23-C: USS Cavalier

Area 51

            51-A: USS Tokyo

            51-B: Starbase 109

            51-C: USS Ontario

            51-D: USS Europa


==∆== -=0=- ==∆==


Second Quarter Fleet Awards


            Task Force 23

            SIM of the Quarter: Resolution

There is no question that activity has ramped up this year on the Resolution. They're having a lot of fun, and it shows.

            CO of the Quarter: Bellwether: Brott

One of our quirky sims. It's thanks to the CO that this little relay station is always up to something interesting. The writing is excellent as well.

            XO of the Quarter: Yamato: Kablam

Kablam was absent for part of the quarter, and the sim suffered for it. As soon as he returned, writing exploded. It's not the quantity, but the quality of his writing that earns him this award. He comes up with well-developed NPCs and interesting twists that give others more to write about.

            Writer of the Quarter: Cavalier Crew

We can't single out any one player as all four of the crew of this new sim have contributed to the excellent character interactions and interesting stories. We look forward to what this sim will bring to future missions.

            Player of the Quarter: Brunel: Matt

Matt has helped with all aspects of the sim, from enhancing missions to quirky NPCs. He loves to get involved and is eager to write.


            Area 51

            SIM of the Quarter: USS Standing Bear

Standing Bear is a cohesive group of writers who are always there to help each other, or step in when someone has to take a break due to work or school. Even when the CO was busy with school, the XO and 2XO stepped up so the stories moved ahead seamlessly.

            CO of the Quarter: Wolff: Taliserra Tigran

Taliserra works hard to make sure everyone on the sim feels welcome. Sometimes she overthinks things. Fortunately, she does what all good COs do. She listens to her first officer.

            XO of the Quarter: Myogi: Ichika Misono

Ichika is detail-oriented and goes above and beyond to create a detailed history of the ship. She is actively involved in supporting the CO and in helping keep everything running smoothly.

            Writer of the Quarter: SB109: Susan

Susan is one of the three ladies who run SB109. She had to take a leave of absence to go through radiation treatment. That is when we realized how much she does for the sim. The other two ladies do well, but Susan was greatly missed. Her return has brought a renewed spark to the sim and its posts.

            Player of the Quarter: Ontario: Ray

In many ways, Ray is the heart and soul of the Ontario. He's the troublemaking prankster science officer as well as one of the driving forces behind the sim. He helped with the transition when the CO was removed and is helping spark new life and new plot twists along with the new CO.