Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

May 2022 Fleet Awards

Monday, June 6, 2022 9:04 PM

May 2022 Fleet Awards


Task Force 23

            Gold: USS Brunel

            Silver (tie): USS Ranger & USS Resolution

            Bronze (tie) USS Hyperion & USS Yamato

Area 51:

            Gold (tie): USS Myogi & USS Standing Bear

            Silver: Starbase 109

            Bronze (tie): USS Europa & USS Wolff


Writer of the Month

            Task Force 23: Ranger: Arie.

Arie took over writing for the people on the station to help create more trouble.

            Area 51: SB109: Susan

Susan, who will probably protest me nominating her, but—We write so much more when she is able to be active.  I’m not sure if this quality of hers has ever been recognized in the sim report before, but I want to recognize it now.   She has a wonderful gift for getting people enthusiastic and active.  We are all better writers and players with her here. 


Player of the Month

            Task Force 23: Ranger: Darrell

For this month, it goes to Darrell, who stepped in and helped get us back on track.

            Area 51: Standing: Kat

After several months of being on LOA, my right hand is back and roaring for writing. Her energy and enthusiasm always ignites the rest of the writers, I couldn't ask for a better XO. 


Post of the Month

            Task Force 23: Brunel: "Saber" (

            Area 51: Wolff: "The Great Escape" (



TGCO Award of Merit

Task Force 23:

            23-A: USS Brunel

            23-B: USS Ranger

            23-C: N/A

Area 51:

            51-A: USS Tokyo

            51-B: Starbase Mercury

            51-C: USS Standing Bear

            51-D: USS Myogi